How to Make Changes that Last: Weekly ADHD and Anxiety Tips

We have found that often many people think they have “got it” when it comes to learning a new strategy for anxiety and ADHD. But this may not be the case. Learn why in our video where we share a quick insight about the power of repetition and how to make changes that last.

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We have found that often many people often think they have “got it” when it comes to learning a new strategy for anxiety and ADHD. If you think about it, whenever you are exposed to something new and really start to use it, there are three phases:

  1. You intellectually understand the concept.
  2. You come to believe it.
  3. You regularly apply it in your life.

A short way to think about this is: Understand, Believe, Apply.

There are some people who pick new up new concepts very quickly, but most people need to go back and repeat something several times to really get it and fully absorb it. Additionally understanding is not really helpful if one doesn’t believe and apply the strategy.

We share many new strategies on a regular basis. If you just “consume” such strategies without really trying, that won’t be helpful. So this week, we’d like to give you some homework:

There is a massive amount of content on our website. Don’t be afraid to go back and make sure you’ve really got it and decide what you’d like to apply. Then really give it try for a period of time. This sounds very simplistic but often this can make the difference between something working or not.

There are also many other techniques and strategies that we discuss in our free newsletter which provides an overall approach to anxiety, stress, panic attacks, and ADHD.  Please click here and subscribe to our newsletter

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