Is it Possible to be Anxiety Free?

Many people indicate they are looking for a way to become anxiety free. We discuss how you can use a particular strategy to relieve anxiety & improve the quality of your life.

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Is it Possible to be Anxiety Free?
Many people are looking for a way to become anxiety free. You can use a particular strategy to relieve anxiety & improve the quality of your life. This information applies to anyone.

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Allow me to ask you a question…

Do you think being anxiety free is impossible as an adult?

If you answered yes then think again…

If you think about your childhood, there may have been more times when you had no care in the world. Nothing to worry about. You weren’t trying to juggle a bunch of responsibilities.

You can learn to set time aside for being anxiety free – even if your time is limited.

Let me tell you about something that many people with anxiety (and many people in general) overlook. Often there are many signals (signs) that your body may send you throughout daily life which you might have ignored or attributed to a physical cause.  Such signs are something you should pay attention to.

What are the signs?

Some examples I gleaned the British United Provident Association are:

  • discomfort in your abdomen (tummy)
  • diarrhea
  • dry mouth
  • rapid heartbeat or palpitations
  • tightness or pain in your chest
  • shortness of breath
  • dizziness
  • needing to urinate more often than usual
  • difficulty swallowing
  • shaking

As you can see, this is quite a list.

But you do not need to be held captive by these things. Rather there is a strategy that you can take advantage of.  It’s a very straight forward process.

I’ll provide it to you in a step-by-step fashion.

The steps lie in:

1. Learning to recognize the signs I just mentioned. They should not be ignored.  When you realize these signs are coming up, they often signal that it is time to take a quick self-care break.

2. Aim to be anxiety free for a short period of time. You don’t have to break yourself away for a long self-care break.

Realize that being anxiety free doesn’t mean never having stress again.  Rather it means taking time each day that is dedicated to doing some kind of relaxation exercises when your body signals you to do so.

A personal example I would like discuss relates to the Breathe App on the Apple Watch.  This App provides a tactile and visual guide for a short breathing break.  And, it provides breathing reminders throughout the day.  In other words, it signals when it is time to carry out a breathing exercise.

Often when I receive such a notification on my watch, I notice it is a time when I am often feeling a little stressed.  I am not trying to sell the Apple Watch.  Rather, my point is to share with you how practical it can be to take such a break throughout the day. And the process does not have to take a long time.  Everyone is busy so integrating lengthy activities into an already full day is difficult.  But this does not have to be the case.

Moreever, breathing exercises are not the only thing that you can do.

We provide a number of relaxation strategies on our website and other material.  However, I will name a few other examples:

3. Repeat the above process each and every day when you feel these signs.

The process is most effective if you take these steps every day.

Consider what Michael McCullough, a professor of psychology at the University of Miami says about the power of routines:

“Whenever you engage in routines that involve the repeated exercise of mental muscles for controlling impulses, appetites or behaviour, this can lead to the building of self-regulatory capacities in your attention, appetites and behaviour in general.”

“Routines are like mental butlers,” says McCullough “Once you have a routine in place, then the mental processes that make the behaviour happen take place automatically.”

Therefore, the importance of the above steps discussed earlier can help you achieve such a goal.

We think the importance of this ritual cannot be overstated.  We hope this information has motivated you in this regard.

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Bupa. Anxiety Disorders. Retrieved January 25, 2012 from,

Best Health. Kim Pittaway. The Power of Routines Retrieved February 19, 2012, from